Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wednesday afternoon violets

I guess I should have bought a newspaper or something else to read, as my
internet connection has just died and now I don't know what to do to amuse
myself for the rest of lunchtime.

Nevermind, I suppose I can fill the time by preparing a journal entry.
Unfortunately I don't have much of interest to report today.

One observation from yesterday afternoon is that my bus driver on the way
home was a bit of a bastard. He was running about 10 minutes early, and
yet wasn't prepared to stop and wait for people running for the bus - that
is just mean - but to top it off, as we were heading along Potterrow, there
was a little posse of blind kids at the bus stop next to Native State, and
he just zoomed on past. Now, maybe I am being uncharitable here, and
perhaps one of the posse wasn't blind and made some kind of indication to
the driver that they weren't waiting for the 42, but it seems to me that if
a bunch of blind kids are standing right at a bus stop, waiting
expectantly, then it should be the driver's responsibility to stop and ask
them if they wanted the 42 or another bus. Doubly so if the route goes
right past the school for blind children! That little experience is just
another one of those things that reminds that people will be complete
fuckwits given half the chance, and bus drivers perhaps moreso than most.
I'll never forget being shouted at by a bus driver who was doing a crazy
speed along Buccleuch Street and had to do an emergency stop (well, almost)
to let me on, then gave me a rollicking for not paying attention to the
arrival of the bus and therefore being slow to stand up and flag it down,
when his speed was the main problem. Aaargghh. I could complain about
buses and bus drivers all day, why can't they be nice like the ones in

I am working in Fife this week and next, on a manufacturing client.
Everything is going quite smoothly, although, as expected, I am moving so
much slower than I would have liked. I don't know what is wrong with me,
but everything seems to take a lot longer than I was expecting. I am not
getting on great with my co-worker - he never seems to speak unless I
strike up a conversation, and let me tell you, the sitting here in silence
thing is getting very old very quickly.
Plus, any job that takes longer than about 45 minutes and more than one
mode of transport to get to just isn't worth the hassle. I am leaving the
house at 7.30 in the morning, and not getting home until 7pm at night, and
we aren't even doing any overtime!

I decided to avoid the pub quiz last night as I was totally wrecked - the
plan being to get to bed early. How did that one work out? Oh yes, I was
still awake at 1am. At this rate I am going to spend the entire weekend in
bed trying to make up for all the lost sleep this week.


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