Sunday, May 21, 2006

Eurovision madness

Spent Saturday night in front of the goggle box, watching the good old eurovision song contest.  Mediocrity ruled as usual, but the unexpected did happen with  the victory of Finnish 'horror rock' band Lordi.  The UK even gave them douze points.  Mental! 

Well, that sucked

You know, it is supposed to be called 'busy season' for a reason.  'Busy season' is SUPPOSED to last from January to March, however, it was not until this week - that's right, the last week of MAY (!), that I actually managed to have completely free time in my evenings (apart from one) and not opened by work laptop once over the weekend.

I am so tired I could puke.  I have a list as long as my arm of stuff I need to pay attention to, like the fact that I owe a whole year's council tax and haven't gotten around to contacting them to tell them that I am not really a student any more. So, this list is ridiculously long, but I never quite seem to get around to ticking off any of the things on it, basically because I am total lazy bastard at the weekend.

Work is really driving me crazy too - I seem to slack off at exactly the wrong times, and then have to do horrible amounts of overtime to make up for my uselessness.  Then I make a comment to my boss about being a slacker, but she tells me that I have been doing a great job!  I feel like such a fraud!   On top of that I seem to keep end up working with complete morons, but then I wonder if my colleagues think it is me that is the complete moron... 

I dunno, I just don't think I am in the right job.